Is there intelligent life in outer space?
The fact that they've never made contact with us sure seems likely.
what do you guys think....the topic seems to being on fashion lately.
some in the borg told me one time "of course, they are for real, they could be angels, demons".. .
Is there intelligent life in outer space?
The fact that they've never made contact with us sure seems likely.
watchtower 1954 p.511 "why do watchtower publications now show jesus with short hair and no beard?
because he is shown that way in older representations of him that are older then the traditional effeminate looking pictures.".
watchtower 1968 p.286 "bible evidence and a recent review shows that jesus did have a beard..." charles russell style of beard was popular at bethel...till rutherford took over.
Yearbook 1974 pp 97-8:-
But more equipment was needed. For that reason Brother Balzereit asked Brother Rutherford for permission to buy a rotary press. Brother Rutherford saw the necessity and agreed, but on one condition. He had noticed that over the years Brother Balzereit had grown a beard very similar to the one that had been worn by Brother Russell. His example soon caught on, for there were others who also wanted to look like Brother Russell. This could give rise to a tendency toward creature worship, and Brother Rutherford wanted to prevent this. So during his next visit, within hearing of all the Bible House family, he told Brother Balzereit that he could buy the rotary press but only on the condition that he shave off his beard. Brother Balzereit sadly agreed and afterward went to the barber. During the next few days there were several cases of mistaken identity and some funny situations because of the “stranger” who was sometimes not recognized by his fellow workers.
hi everyone i would like to say hello to everyone,.
i just started attending kingdom hall about a month ago now and am doing bible study with a brother..
A pound to a penny says this guy's a troll.
Sorry JP but at my age I have a distrust of people, especially if they mistake the most famous apostate site for a JW's only site.
If you're not a troll then my advice is to drop the "study" and RUN LIKE HELL!
so the hotel bossert once owned by the society is facing foreclosure .
Not so easy to turn a profit when you have to actually pay employees and taxes.
at a certain point, as the years tick by, you start to realize that you have forgotten a lot of things.
typically, something you learned, some knowledge or skill you used to have, that you just haven't used for so long you no longer remember anything but that you once knew it.. i saw an article about electrical resistors the other day, and how the colored bands signify the rating.
now all i remember is that i used to know it, and that resistors do something with, erm, electricity ...
Was that the one that ends in " but Violet gives willingly"?
........But (Blue) Virgins (Violet) Go (Grey) Wisely (White) is the way I was taught. Interestingly, it was a black guy who first told me that one. I told him that it was racist and he just laughed.
does anyone know what year?
How many jws know that before 1970, at the WT Study, the questions were asked first, answers given, and then the paragraph was read
Reading the paragraphs first was a soft option when conducting a Bible Study with someone and was frowned upon. Instructions for conducting the WT Study from 1953, this would wake up a few today.
WT 53 8/1 pp458-9:-
Starting the study itself, he will propound the printed question found at the bottom of the page provided for the first paragraph of the assigned study. Those in the audience may volunteer by raising their hands, and answering when called upon by the conductor. However, the conductor may call upon someone in the congregation without that one’s volunteering.
It is assumed that all have studied the lesson in advance and know the answers as contained in the paragraphs. There are many who hesitate to volunteer a comment, but who will speak when called upon. This method may also cause some who have become negligent in advance study of the lesson to recover from the bad habit they have drifted into.
hi everyone i’m a pimo elder ex bethelite and pioneer who has been having doubts for many years.
as of late i’ve come to have even more doubts mainly due to the gb pushing the vaccines and acting like salesman for big pharma companies .
i will never take these vaccines even if it meant i couldn’t go to the hall as was previously said but the gb have done a big u turn on this now.
Welcome. Are you able to tell us in which country you are based?
14 jesus provides wise direction in times of crisis.
the benefits of that direction were evident when the covid-19 pandemic broke out.
while many in the world were uncertain about what course to take, jesus made sure that we received clear guidance to keep us safe.
Watchtower February 2017 Page 26 par 12:-
12 The Governing Body is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, it can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. In fact, the Watch Tower Publications Index includes the heading “Beliefs Clarified,” which lists adjustments in our Scriptural understanding since 1870.
If they're not inspired how does Jesus communicate with the these guys? As for not being infallible, they tell their followers to obey even if it seems unreasonable.
sorry if this has been discussed before but on quora someone asked if rutherford had said that dinosaurs had been taken to venus .
i assume that the questioner had heard it somewhere and wanted to check it out.
i've never come across this before is it true ?
The Awake! was discontinued for economic reasons as well as lack of credibility.
The Awake! is still going, see link below for the latest edition. Without it, countless JW's would not have a University equivalent education.
Awake! Magazine, No. 1 2022 | A World in Turmoil—How You Can Cope (
phone call to us.
attend meeting, wear mask, distance, get shots.
every one was said to be nobodies business.
Here in the UK it's just been announced that 4.9 million people has Covid, about 1 in 13.
How is it possible to step outside without coming into contact with someone that is infected? Out of concern for brothers i will be staying at home. (Hint of sarcasm)